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This list contains definitions for [[Orbiter]] or important [[spaceflight]] acronyms or abbreviations, especially those appearing in [[MFD|MFDs]] and various [[HUD]] modes.
* AF -
* AgP - [[argument of periapsis]]
One entry in this list consists of a term with one or more definitions, like:
* AN - [[ascending node]]
* ApA - [[apoapsis]] altitude
* ApD - [[apoapsis]] distance
* ApR - [[apoapsis]] radius
* ApT - time to [[apoapsis]]
* Alt - [[altitude]]
* atmo - [[atmosphere]]
Don't use links in the term part of a entry, please do so in the definition part, for keeping a consistent look-and-feel and don't putting to much emphasis on a single definition.
* CDI - [[course deviation indicator]]
* CDR - commander
Terms without definitions will get moved to the talk page into the section "Wanted definitions". If you have multiple definitions for a term, the definition part should turn into a numbered list, like:
* COM - communication or communicator
* CTRL - Control
#Definition 1
* CVEL - [[closing velocity]]
#Definition 2
* CVEL - Common Vessel Extensions Light, see [[CVEL]]
#Definition 3
* DN - [[descending node]]
* DG - [[Delta-glider]]
* DG-S [[Delta-glider]] equiped with two [[scramjet|scramjets]].
* DIV - [[divergent]], i.e. [[yaw]] [[gimbal]] mode.
#Definition 1
* Dir - direction
#Definition 2
* Dist - distance
#Definition 3
* DLng - longitude difference, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
* DNP - dynamic [[pressure]]
* DNS - atmospheric density
The order of the definitions should be like that:
* DST or Dst - distance (to target)
#Orbiter HUD definitions
* DTe - time to [[ejection]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
#Orbiter MFD definitions
* DTi - time to intercept, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
#General Orbiter definitions
* DTmin - time of arrical difference, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
#Orbiter [[Add-on]] definitions
* Dv - delta [[velocity]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
#General spaceflight definitions
* Ecc - [[eccentricity]]
* ECL - plane of the [[ecliptic]]
If you don't agree to a ordering of definitions, please complain in the [[Talk:List_of_Acronyms_and_Abbreviations|talk]] page about the entry.
* ET - [[external tank]]
* EQU - plane of the [[equator]]
==See also==
* FGB - russian abbreviation for Functional Cargo Block. See [[FGB]]
* FoV - field of view, as seen in the [[general information display]]
* [[Russian glossary]]
* FPS - [[frame rate]], as seen in the [[general information display]]
* [[List of Acronyms and Abbreviations/ISS|List of Acronyms and Abbreviations for the ISS]]
* G - an unit of acceleration. 1 G equals the gravity acceleration on earths surface, 9.81 m/s²
* GL - [[Delta-glider]]
* GS - [[ground speed]]
* GMT - Greenwich Mean Time. Earth's mean time standard.
* H - Horizon
* HUD - [[heads up display]]
;AgP:[[Argument of periapsis]]:The angle in the orbit from the point of the ascending node to the point of periapsis, Used in OrbitMFD.
* HSI - [[horizontal situation indicator]]
;AN:[[ascending node]]:a vector in an orbit where the body passes from south to north of the plane of reference (i.e. ecliptic or equatorial). Shown in OrbitMFD as a dotted vector line connecting to a solid square on the orbit.
* HST - [[Hubble Space Telescope]]
;ApA:[[apoapsis]] apoapsis altitude
* HTO - [[hypothetical orbit]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;ApD:[[apoapsis]] apoapsis distance
* IAS - indicated air speed [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indicated_air_speed]
;ApR:[[apoapsis]] apoapsis radius
* IDS - [[instrument docking system]]
;ApT:time to [[apoapsis]]
* ILS - [[instrument landing system]]
* Inc - Inclination
;AORP:'''A'''utonomous '''O'''rbiter '''R'''apid '''P'''rototype, a system to allow a [[STS|shuttle]] orbiter to land without [[crew]].
* ISP - specific impulse
* ISS - [[International Space Station]]
;AR:'''a'''cceptance '''r'''eview
* JD - julian date
* KISS - "Keep it simple, stupid!" Famous engineering dogma.  
#'''A'''utonomous '''T'''ransfer '''V'''ehicle, an unmanned cargo spacecraft, see [[ATV]].
* KSC - [[Kennedy Space Center]]
#'''A'''utomated '''T'''ransfer '''V'''ehicle[http://www.orbiterwiki.org/wiki/ATV#The_ATV]
* LAN - longitude of [[ascending node]] or local-area network
;AU:[[astronomical unit]]
* LDEF - [[Long Duration Exposure Facility]]
* LEO - [[Low earth orbit]]
* LPe - longitude of [[periapsis]]
;BMW:'''B'''ate, '''M'''ueller, '''W'''hite - authors of ''Fundamentals of Astrodynamics'' (1971)
* m - metre
* M - Mega (SI prefix). Occasionally mass or [[mach]] number
* MECO - Main Engine Cutoff
;CaLV:'''Ca'''rgo '''l'''aunch '''v'''ehicle, see [[Ares V]]
* [[MFD]] - multifunction display
;CDI:[[course deviation indicator]]
* MJD - [[modified julian date]]
* MMU - Manned Maneuvering Unit
* MnA - [[mean anomaly]]
#'''c'''ritical '''d'''esign '''r'''eview
* MnL - [[mean longitude]]
;CEV:'''C'''rew '''e'''xpedition '''v'''ehicle, see [[CEV]]
* MSx - Mission Specialist x
;CFD:computational fluid dynamics
* m/s - meters per second, the SI base unit of [[velocity]]
;CLV:'''C'''rew '''l'''aunch '''v'''ehicle, see [[Ares I]]
* NAV - navigation or [[navigation aid]]
;COAS:'''C'''rew '''O'''ptical '''A'''lignment '''S'''ight
* OAT - outside air temperature
;COM:communication or communicator
* Ob - obliquity of ecliptic (tilt of axis of rotation against plane of ecliptic)
;CTD:[[crash to desktop]]
* OBS - [[omni bearing selector]]
* OBT - [[orbit]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
* OMS - orbital maneuvering system, the 'main engines' of the orbital [[space shuttle]]
#'''C'''rew '''T'''ransfer '''V'''ehicle, a manned spacecraft derived from the [[ATV]], see [[CTV]]
* OS - [[orbital speed]]
#'''C'''ompatibility '''T'''est '''V'''an, '''NASA'''
* P - position (sometimes radius) vector, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
* p0 - atmospheric pressure at sea level
#[[closing velocity]]
* PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicators, lit runway centreline.
#'''C'''ommon '''V'''essel '''E'''xtensions '''L'''ight, see [[CVEL]]
* PB -
* PeA - [[periapsis]] altitude
* PeD - [[periapsis]] distance
;D3D9:refers to the advanced graphics client in [[Orbiter]].
* PeR - [[periapsis]] radius
;DN:[[descending node]]
* PG - [[prograde]]
;DDT&E:'''d'''esign, '''d'''evelopment, '''t'''est and '''e'''valuation
* PLT - Pilot
* Pos - position
;DGIII:[[DeltagliderIII]], a famous enhanced version of the [[Delta-glider]].
* PRJ - [[projection]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
;DGIV:[[DeltaGliderIV]], an improved version of the [[DeltaGliderIII]].
* PSx - Payload Specialist x
;DG4:Orbiter's stock '''DG'''
* R - mean radius or specific gas constant
;DG-S:[[Delta-glider]] equiped with two [[scramjet|scramjets]].
* r0 - atmospheric density at sea level
;DIV:[[divergent]], i.e. [[yaw]] [[gimbal]] mode.
* Rad - radial distance (not to be confused with angular unit ''radians'')
* RAnm - [[true anomaly]] of reference axis, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
* Rate - rate of change, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;DLng:longitude difference, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
* RCS - [[reaction control system]], spacebourne orientation rocket system.
;DNP:dynamic [[pressure]]
* RInc - [[relative inclination]], as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;DNS:atmospheric density
* RVel - relative [[velocity]]
;DPS:'''D'''ata '''P'''rocessing '''S'''ystem. Term describing the general purpose computers and their interfaces onboard various manned spacecraft.
* RG - [[retrograde]]
;DST or Dst:distance (to target)
* RMS - Remote Manipulator System
;DTe:time to [[ejection]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
* SECO - Secondary Engine Cutoff
;DTi:time to intercept, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
* Sim - simulation time (in seconds), as seen in the [[general information display]] or a common abbreviation for "simulator"
;DTmin:time of arrical difference, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
* SHP - [[ship]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
;Dv:delta [[velocity]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]], see also [[Delta-V]]
* Sh-ToR - ship [[time-on-reference]], as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
* SLF - shuttle landing facility, see [[Cape Canaveral]]
* SMa - [[semi-major axis]]  
* SSME - Space Shuttle Main Engines
;ECL:plane of the [[ecliptic]]
* SMi - [[semi-minor axis]]
;ECSS:'''e'''uropean '''c'''ooperation for '''s'''pace '''s'''tandardization
* SRB - Solid Rocket Booster
;ECLSS:'''E'''nvironmental '''c'''ontrol and '''l'''ife '''s'''upport '''s'''ystem
* SSTO - [[Single_Stage_To_Orbit | Single Stage to Orbit]]
;EELV:Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
* STP - static [[pressure]] or [[Stone Temple Pilots]]
;ESA:[[European Space Agency]]
* STS - space transportation system, [[space shuttle]]
;ESAS:[[w:Exploration Systems Architecture Study|Exploration Systems Architecture Study]]
* Tgt - target, esp. in [[docking]] mode
;ET:[[external tank]]
* Tg-ToR - target [[time-on-reference]], as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
;EQU:plane of the [[equator]]
* T - orbit period, measured in seconds
;EVA:'''E'''xtra '''v'''ehicular '''a'''ctivity, see [[EVA]]
* TAS - true air speed [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_air_speed]
* TKS - russian spacecraft for the Almaz program, see [[TKS]]  
* TLe - eject longitude, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;FGB:Russian abbreviation for Functional Cargo Block. See [[FGB]]
* TLi - intercept longitude, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;FoV:field of view, as seen in the [[general information display]]
* Tn - time to node, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;FPS:[[frame rate]] (frames per second), as seen in the [[general information display]]
* TOFS - tangential offset [[docking MFD]]
;FRF:'''F'''light '''R'''eadiness '''F'''iring, a launch countdown test of the Shuttle running all except SRB ignition and lift-off.
* TrA - [[true anomaly]]
* TrL - [[true longitude]]
* Ts - length of siderial day
;g:a unit of acceleration. 1g equals the gravity acceleration on earths surface, 9.81 m/s²
* Tth - predicted thrust time, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;GL:Used often as vehicle name prefix for a [[Delta-glider]]
* TVEL - tangential [[velocity]]
;GET:'''G'''round '''E'''lapsed '''T'''ime [http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4029/Apollo_00c_Introduction.htm]
* UT - universal time, GMT. Not to be confused with UTC (Universial Time Co-ordinated). The latter is based on atomic clocks not astronomy, hence the occasional ''leap-second'' to correct UTC to GMT.
;GLOC:'''G'''ravity-induced '''L'''oss '''o'''f '''C'''onsciousness 
* VASI - Visual Approach Slope Indicator, the glideslope lighting system ajacent to runways to guide pilots onto the correct angle of glideslope (normally 3 degrees).
;GMT:Greenwich Mean Time.See [[w:Universal Time|Universal Time on Wikipedia]]
* VC - virtual cockpit
;GPDS:[[GPDS|Generic Payload Description System]]
* Vel - [[velocity]]
;GPS:'''G'''lobal '''P'''ositioning '''S'''ystem
* VOR - [[very high frequency omnidirectional radio]]
;GS:[[ground speed]]
* VS - vertical speed
;GTO:[[GTO|'''g'''eostationary '''t'''ransfer '''o'''rbit]]
* VTOL - Vertical Take Off and Landing
* STOVL - Short take-off, vertical landing. As performed by the DG on full fuel employing hover thrusters during takeoff.
* Wrp - time acceleration factor, seen in the [[general information display]]
* XPDR - [[transponder]]
;HAC:[[Heading Alignment Cone]]
* ZM - zoom, as seen on the [[map MFD]]
;HLLV:'''h'''eavy '''l'''ift '''l'''aunch '''v'''ehicle
;HUD:[[heads up display]]
;HSI:[[horizontal situation indicator]]
;HST:[[Hubble Space Telescope]]
;HTO:[[hypothetical transfer orbit]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;IAS:indicated air speed [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indicated_air_speed]
;IDS:[[instrument docking system]]
#[[instrument landing system]]
#'''I'''nternational '''l'''aunch '''s'''ervices, a US-russian joint venture marketing [[Atlas]] and [[Proton]] launches
;Inc:Inclination (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inclination)
;ISP:[[specific impulse]]
;ISS:[[International Space Station]]
;JD:[[Julian date]]
;JWST:'''J'''ames '''W'''ebb '''S'''pace '''T'''elescope
;JSC:  Lyndon B. '''J'''ohnson '''S'''pace '''C'''enter
;KISS:"Keep it simple, stupid!" Famous engineering dogma.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle]  
;KSC:[[Kennedy Space Center]]
;LAN:longitude of [[ascending node]] or local-area network
#'''l'''aunch '''c'''ontrol '''c'''enter
#'''l'''ife '''c'''ycle '''c'''ost
;LDEF:[[Long Duration Exposure Facility]]
;LEO:[[Low earth orbit]]
;LH2:Liquid Hydrogen
;LOCV: Loss of crew and vehicle
;LOX:Liquid Oxygen
;LPe:longitude of [[periapsis]]
;M:Mega (SI prefix for 10<sup>6</sup>). Occasionally mass or [[mach]] number
#'''m'''id '''c'''ourse '''c'''orrection
#'''m'''ission '''c'''ontrol '''center'''
;MCC-H:'''m'''ission '''c'''ontrol '''c'''enter '''H'''ouston
;MCC-M:'''m'''ission '''c'''ontrol '''c'''enter '''M'''oscow
;MDR:'''m'''ission '''d'''efinition '''r'''eview
;MECO:'''m'''ain '''e'''ngine '''c'''ut'''o'''ff
;MET:'''M'''ission '''E'''lapsed '''T'''ime. See [[w:Mission Elapsed Time|Mission Elapsed Time on Wikipedia]].
;MFD:multifunction display, see [[MFD]]
;MJD:[[modified Julian date]]
;MLP:[[Mobile Launcher Platform]]
;MMOD:'''M'''icro'''m'''eteorites and '''o'''rbital '''d'''ebris
;MMU:'''m'''anned '''m'''aneuvering '''u'''nit, see [[MMU]]
;MnA:[[mean anomaly]]
;MnL:[[mean longitude]]
;MSx:Mission Specialist x
;m/s:meters per second, the SI base unit of [[velocity]]
#[[navigation aid]]
;OAT:outside air temperature
;Ob:obliquity of ecliptic (tilt of axis of rotation against plane of ecliptic)
;OBS:[[omni bearing selector]]
;OBT:[[orbit]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
;OMBUU: '''O'''rbiter '''M'''id'''b'''ody '''U'''mbilical '''U'''nit
;[[OMP]]:'''O'''rbiter '''M'''ultiplayer '''P'''roject, an ongoing program to create a multiplayer server in Orbiter.
;OMS:'''O'''rbital '''M'''aneuvering '''S'''ystem, the 'main engines' of the [[space shuttle]] orbiter
;OS:[[orbital speed]]
;P:position (sometimes radius) vector, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;p0:atmospheric pressure at sea level
;PAM:'''P'''ayload '''A'''ssist '''M'''odule, a family of solid upper stages for the [[Space Shuttle]]
;PAPI:'''P'''recision '''A'''pproach '''P'''ath '''I'''ndicators, lit runway centerline.
;PB:[[Shuttle PB]]
;PDR:'''p'''reliminary '''d'''esign '''r'''eview
;PDRS:'''P'''ayload '''D'''eployment and '''R'''etrieval '''S'''ystem, the official name of the robot arm of the Space Shuttle
;PRR:'''p'''reliminary '''r'''equirements '''r'''eview
;PeA:[[periapsis]] altitude. Altitude of periapsis above the surface of the orbited body
;PeD:[[periapsis]] distance. See PeR.
;PeR:[[periapsis]] radius. Distance of periapsis from the center of the orbited body
;PeT:time to [[periapsis]] in seconds.
;PMI:'''P'''rincipal '''m'''oments of '''i'''nertia, see [[PMI]]
;PRJ:[[projection]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
;PSx:Payload Specialist x
;QR: '''q'''ualification '''r'''eview
#mean radius
#specific gas constant
;r0:atmospheric density at sea level
#radial distance
#angular unit ''radians''
;RAnm:[[true anomaly]] of reference axis, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
;RCS:[[reaction control system]], spacebourne orientation rocket system.
;R&D:'''r'''esearch and '''d'''evelopment
;RDT&E:'''r'''esearch, '''d'''evelopment, '''t'''esting and '''e'''valuation
;RInc:[[relative inclination]], as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;RVel:relative [[velocity]]
;RKA:Russian Space Agency
;RMS:'''R'''emote '''M'''anipulator '''S'''ystem
;RS:Russian-side, used as prefix for orientation when describing ISS components.
;RSLS:'''R'''edundant '''s'''et '''l'''aunch '''s'''equencer, the computer systems responsible for the ignition of the SSMEs in the [[Space Shuttle]] orbiter.
;RTFM:'''R'''ead '''t'''he '''f'''ine (or many other '''f'''-words) '''m'''anual, a typical forum answer for questions already answered extensivly in the manual.
;RTLS:'''R'''eturn '''t'''o '''l'''aunch '''s'''ite, a [[Space Shuttle]] abort mode.
#'''S'''earch '''a'''nd '''r'''escue.
#'''S'''yntetic '''a'''perture '''r'''adar, a [[radar]] mode used for creating navigation maps or detect slowly moving ground vehicles.
;S/C: [[spacecraft|'''s'''pace'''c'''raft]]
;SDK:Software Development Kit [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SDK]
;SDLV:'''S'''huttle '''D'''erived '''L'''aunch '''V'''ehicle, see [[Ares]]
;SDHLV:'''S'''huttle '''D'''erived '''H'''eavy '''L'''aunch '''V'''ehicle, see [[Ares V]]
#'''S'''econdary '''E'''ngine '''C'''ut'''o'''ff
#'''S'''ustainer '''E'''ngine '''C'''ut'''o'''ff
#simulation time (in seconds), as seen in the [[general information display]]
#a common abbreviation for "simulator"
;SHP:[[ship]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
;Sh-ToR:ship [[time-on-reference]], as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
;SI unit: The metric system of measurement, the modern name, see [[SI unit]]
;SLF:shuttle landing facility, see [[Cape Canaveral]]
;SMa:[[semi-major axis]]
;SSME:Space Shuttle Main Engines [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSME_%28rocket_engine%29]
;SMi:[[semi-minor axis]]
;SRB:'''S'''olid '''R'''ocket '''B'''ooster [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_rocket_booster]
;SRTM:'''S'''huttle '''r'''adar '''t'''opography '''m'''ission, see [[SRTM]].
;SSTO:[[Single_Stage_To_Orbit | Single Stage to Orbit]]
;STOVL:Short take-off, vertical landing. As performed by the DG on full fuel employing hover thrusters during takeoff.
;STP:static [[pressure]]
;STS:'''s'''pace '''t'''ransportation '''s'''ystem, AKA space shuttle, see [[space transportation system]]
;Tgt:target, esp. in [[docking]] mode
;Tg-ToR:target [[time-on-reference]], as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
;T:orbit period, measured in seconds
;TAS:true air speed [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_air_speed]
;TAEM:Terminal Area Energy Management
;TEI:'''T'''rans '''E'''arth '''I'''njection[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_Earth_Injection]
;TKS:russian spacecraft for the Almaz program, see [[TKS]]
;TLA:Three letter acronym for a '''t'''hree '''l'''etter '''a'''cronym.
;TLE:two-line elements
;TLe:eject longitude, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;TLi:intercept longitude, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;TLI:Trans Lunar Injection
;Tn:time to node, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;TOFS:tangential offset [[docking MFD]]
;TrA:[[true anomaly]]
;TRK:Track ship, as displayed by [[map MFD]]
;TrL:[[true longitude]]
;TRL:'''t'''echnology '''r'''eadiness '''l'''evel
;Ts:length of siderial day
;Tth:predicted thrust time, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;TVEL:tangential [[velocity]]
;UMMU:'''U'''niversal '''m'''anned '''m'''aneuvering '''u'''nit, popular add-on, see [[Universal MMU]].
;UNKS:unknown problems, you are aware of.
;UNK-UNKS:unknown problems, you are not aware of.
;UT:'''u'''niversal '''t'''ime, GMT. Not to be confused with [[UTC]] (Universial Time Co-ordinated). The latter is based on atomic clocks not astronomy, hence the occasional ''leap-second'' to correct UTC to GMT.
;VASI:'''V'''isual '''A'''pproach '''S'''lope '''I'''ndicator, the glideslope lighting system ajacent to runways to guide pilots onto the correct angle of glideslope (normally 3 degrees).
#virtual cockpit
#Visual C++, an IDE and C++ compiler by Microsoft.
;VOR:[[very high frequency omnidirectional radio]]
;VS:vertical speed
;VSA: [[Virtual Space Agency]]
;VTOL:'''V'''ertical '''T'''ake '''O'''ff and '''L'''anding
;WBS:'''w'''ork '''b'''reakdown '''s'''tructure
;WPD:'''w'''ork '''p'''ackage '''d'''escription
;Wrp:time acceleration factor, seen in the [[general information display]]
;YSC:Yokohama Science Center
;ZM:zoom, as seen on the [[map MFD]]
[[Category: Articles]]

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