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[[Category:Celestial bodies]]
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[[Category:Natural satellites]]
[[Category:Satellites of Jupiter]]
[[Category:Satellites of Jupiter]]

Latest revision as of 11:53, 12 September 2024

S/2003 J 4 is a natural satellite of Jupiter.

Jupiter's natural satellites


Named Satellites: Adrastea | Aitne | Amalthea | Ananke | Aoede | Arche | Autonoe | Callirrhoe | Callisto | Carme | Carpo | Chaldene | Cyllene | Dia | Eirene | Elara | Erinome | Ersa | Euanthe | Eukelade | Eupheme | Euporie | Europa | Eurydome | Ganymede | Harpalyke | Hegemone | Helike | Hermippe | Herse | Himalia | Io | Iocaste | Isonoe | Kale | Kallichore | Kalyke | Kore | Leda | Lysithea | Megaclite | Metis | Mneme | Orthosie | Pandia | Pasiphae | Pasithee | Philophrosyne | Praxidike | Sinope | Sponde | Taygete | Thebe | Thelxinoe | Themisto | Thyone | Valetudo

Numbered Satellites: S/2003 J2 | S/2003 J4 | S/2003 J9 | S/2003 J10 | S/2003 J12 | S/2003 J16 | S/2003 J18 | S/2003 J19 | S/2003 J23 | S/2003 J 24 |S/2010 J1 | S/2010 J2 | S/2011 J1 | S/2011 J2 S/2011 J3 | S/2016 J1 | S/2016 J3 | S/2016 J4 | S/2017 J1 | S/2017 J2 | S/2017 J3 | S/2017 J5 | S/2017 J6 | S/2017 J7 | S/2017 J8 | S/2017 J9 | S/2018 J2 |S/2018 J3 | S/2018 J4 | S/2021 J1 S/2021 J2 | S/2021 J3 | S/2021 J4 | S/2021 J5 | S/2021 J6 | S/2022 J1 | S/2022 J2 | S/2022 J3

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