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Amalthea from in Orbiter 2002
Name Amalthea
Reference body Jupiter
Planetary mean orbits
Epoch 1976.606435
Semimajor axis (a) 181300000 m
Eccentricity (e) 0.0003
Inclination (i) 0.4°
(0.0069813 radian)
Longitude of the ascending node (LAN, ☊) 112.3003008°
(1.96001 radian)
Longitude of periapsis (ϖ) 60.00014031°
(1.0472 radian)
Mean longitude (L) 36.90421158°
(0.6441 radian)
Selected physical parameters
Mean radius 101000 m
Mass 7.17×1018 kg
Rotation elements
SidRotPeriod 43042.7 seconds (11.9563 hours)
SidRotOffset 0
Obliqutiy 0
Note *Elements given are from Amalthea.cfg (

Amalthea (Jupiter V) is an inner irregular moon of Jupiter, measuring 250 km across and is noted for its red color. Amalthea was discovered by E E Bernard on 9 September 1892, named after a nymph in Greek mythology. This was the last moon to be discovered by direct observation. All others after were discovered photographically or digital imaging.

Amalthea in Orbiter

Amalthea was introduced to Orbiter with the add-on released in October 2002.

Orbiter versions and add-ons which include Amalthea
Add-on Source Version Author Type Release Date Compatibility Wiki article
Jupiter I AVSIM Rolf Keibel Scenery 25 October 2002

See also

Amalthea at Wikipedia


Jupiter's natural satellites


Named Satellites: Adrastea | Aitne | Amalthea | Ananke | Aoede | Arche | Autonoe | Callirrhoe | Callisto | Carme | Carpo | Chaldene | Cyllene | Dia | Eirene | Elara | Erinome | Ersa | Euanthe | Eukelade | Eupheme | Euporie | Europa | Eurydome | Ganymede | Harpalyke | Hegemone | Helike | Hermippe | Herse | Himalia | Io | Iocaste | Isonoe | Kale | Kallichore | Kalyke | Kore | Leda | Lysithea | Megaclite | Metis | Mneme | Orthosie | Pandia | Pasiphae | Pasithee | Philophrosyne | Praxidike | Sinope | Sponde | Taygete | Thebe | Thelxinoe | Themisto | Thyone | Valetudo

Numbered Satellites: S/2003 J2 | S/2003 J4 | S/2003 J9 | S/2003 J10 | S/2003 J12 | S/2003 J16 | S/2003 J18 | S/2003 J19 | S/2003 J23 | S/2003 J 24 |S/2010 J1 | S/2010 J2 | S/2011 J1 | S/2011 J2 S/2011 J3 | S/2016 J1 | S/2016 J3 | S/2016 J4 | S/2017 J1 | S/2017 J2 | S/2017 J3 | S/2017 J5 | S/2017 J6 | S/2017 J7 | S/2017 J8 | S/2017 J9 | S/2018 J2 |S/2018 J3 | S/2018 J4 | S/2021 J1 S/2021 J2 | S/2021 J3 | S/2021 J4 | S/2021 J5 | S/2021 J6 | S/2022 J1 | S/2022 J2 | S/2022 J3

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