4 Vesta

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4 Vesta
4 Vesta from AsteroidPack_v1.00.zip in Orbiter 2003P2
Name 4 Vesta
Reference body Sun
Planetary mean orbits
Epoch 2006
Semimajor axis (a) 353 261 879 345.975 m
Eccentricity (e) 0.0890394155076459
Inclination (i) 7.133373134°
(0.124500847960143 radian)
Longitude of the ascending node (LAN, ☊) 103.9258891°
(1.81384894200928 radian)
Longitude of periapsis (ϖ) 254.2243352°
(4.4370516871193 radian)
Mean longitude (L) 469.6544222°
(8.19701601450406 radian)
Selected physical parameters
Mean radius 234000 km
Mass 2.7×1020 kg
Rotation elements
SidRotPeriod 19232.64 seconds (5.3424 hours)
SidRotOffset 0
Obliqutiy 0.004014257
Note *Elements given are from 4 Vesta.cfg (AsteroidPack_v1.00.zip)

4 Vesta was discovered on 29 March 1807 by Heinrich Wilhelm Obers, and was at first classified as a planet, at least until it was realized that there are many small bodies in the area between Mars and Jupiter, at which time they were reclassified as asteroids,

4 Vesta in Orbiter

4 Vesta was first introduced with the release of MainBeltAsteroids051403.zip in May 2003. Note that the landing surface as given in the config file is spherical, but the visual of Vesta is not, if you land, you will likely be above or below the visual surface.

Orbiter versions and add-ons which include Vesta
Add-on Source Version Author Type Release Date Compatibility Wiki article
Asteroid Pack 1.00 O-F Resources 2004-11-21 Nighthawke Scenery 21 November 2004
Main Belt Asteroids v1.0 O-F Resources v1.0 Unknown OHM Addon Developer Scenery 14 May 2003

See also

4 Vesta at Wikipedia


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