3753 Cruithne
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3753 Cruinthe, known in Orbiter simply as Cruinthe is an asteroid in an elliptical solar orbit with almost a 1:1 resonance with the Earth. It's orbit takes Cruinthe from the orbit of Mercury to beyond that of Mars. In Orbiter, Cruinthe was added as an Add-on by Burnrate in 2009.
Orbital Characteristics
Cruinthe revolves around the Sun at a distance of just under 1 AU, almost the same distance as the Earth, with an eccentricity of a bit over 0.5, resulting in an orbit that ranges from just outside that of Mercury out past that of Mars. Orbiting the Sun in slightly under a year, it is in lockstep with Earth, approaching within about 12 million km, then drifting to the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth, to about the same distance on the other side of the Earth.