2063 Bacchus

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2063 Bacchus
2063 Bacchus.png
Bacchus in Orbiter
Name 2063 Bacchus
Reference body Sun
Number of satellites 0
Planetary mean orbits
Epoch 2006
Semimajor axis (a) 161258598450.082 m
(1.0779471506193 AU)
Eccentricity (e) 0.349370772203801
Inclination (i) 0.164673995711733 radian
Longitude of the ascending node (LAN, ☊) 5.68412614431682 radian
Longitude of periapsis (ϖ) 7.80093107166837 radian
Mean longitude (L) 12.5695237899611 radian
Rotational Elements
Sidereal Rotation Period 53637.12 seconds
(0.6208 days)
Sidereal Rotation Offset 0
Obliquity 0 radians
Selected physical parameters
Mean radius 16000 km
Mass 3.3×10<su>12 kg
Density 4.05g/cm13
Equatorial gravity 0.0001 m/s2
Orbital speed at surface 0.3707 m/s
Escape velocity 0.525 m/s
Gravity at surface Bacchus 3%
Sun 97%
Note *Elements given are from 2063 Bacchus.cfg file.

2063 Bacchus is object and a stony type asteroid, and a contact binary. It was discovered by Charles Kowal on 24 April 1977 at the Palomar Observatory.

The orbit of Bacchus varies from about 0.7 to 1.5 AU, revolving in about 409 days. Ecceentricity is 0.35 and inclination is 0.157 radians (9°). Bacchus can come within about 10 130 000 km of the Earth (about 26 Earth distances).

Bacchus is a stony asteroid and a contact binary, about 1.11 km × 0.53 km × 1.1 km, mean radius is about 0.63 km.

2063 Bacchus in Orbiter

Bacchus was introduced to Orbiter with the release of AsteroidPack_v1.00.zip in November 2004.

Note that the landing surface as given in the config file is spherical, but the visual of Juno is not, if you land, you will likely be above or below the visual surface.

Orbiter versions and add-ons which include Bacchus
Add-on Source Version Author Type Release Date Compatibility Wiki article
Asteroid Pack 1.00 O-F Resources 2004-11-21 Nighthawke Scenery 21 November 2004

See also

2063 Bacchus at Wikpedia
