(This is just a template test, I am not really requesting that the sandbox is deleted. --GW_Simulations 23:31, 14 March 2006 (MSK)
Orbiter 2006 is looming!
Request for this to be added at the sdk section
What all those particle terms mean-
SRCSIZE-size of the particle. 2 is good for thrust particles from the main engine while 5 is for smoke. SRCRATE-How many particles are generated from the source (the engine) V0(variable?)- How fast the particles are put out by the source SRCSPREAD- How much the particles spread out. 0 for engine smoke and 0.5 for regular smoke. LIFETIME- How long a particle (in seconds) stays before it disappears. GROWTHRATE- The rate in which the particle grows. ATMSLOWDOWN- How much a particle is slowed by the atmosphere. LTYPE- Specifies if particles are emissive or diffuse. An emissive(glowing, for engine smoke) particle has no shading while diffuse(recommended for realistic smoke plumes) particles have shading applied. Italic text'Italic text