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Earth in Orbiter 2016
Name Earth
Reference body Sun
Number of satellites 1
Planetary mean orbits
Epoch J2000 (1 January 2000)
Semimajor axis (a) 1.00000011 AU
(1.495978871×1011 km)
Eccentricity (e) 0.01671022
Inclination (i) 0.00005°
(0.00000087 radian)
Longitude of the ascending node (LAN, ☊) -11.26064°
(-0.1965352 radian)
Longitude of periapsis (ϖ) 102.94719°
(1.796767 radian_
Mean longitude (L) 100.46435°
(1.753434 radian)
Planetary orbital element centennial rates
Semimajor axis (a) -0.00000005 AU/Century
Eccentricity (e) -0.00003804 Century-1
Inclination (i) -46.94 seconds/Century
Longitude of the ascending node (LAN, ☊) -18228.25 seconds/Century
Longitude of periapsis (ϖ) 1198.28 seconds/Century
Mean longitude (L) 129597740.63 seconds/Century
Selected physical parameters
Mean radius 6371.01 km
Mass 5.973698968×1024 kg
Density 5.515 g/cm3
Sidereal rotation period 23.93447 hours
Sidereal orbit period 0.9999786 years
Magnitude V(1,0) -3.86
Geometric albedo 0.65
Equatorial gravity 9.780327 m/s2
J coefficients 1082.6269e-6 -2.51e-6 -1.60e-6 -0.15e-6
Escape velocity 11.186 km/s
SOI radius 2.6×108 m
Rotation elements
North pole right ascension (α1) n/a
North pole declination (δ1) 90°
Obliqutiy of ecliptic 23.44°
Longitude of Sun's transit
Atmospheric parameters
Surface Pressure 101.4 kPa
Surface Density 1.217 kg/m3
Scale height 8.5 km
Average temperature 288 K
Wind speeds 0-100 m/s
Ecliptic position from primary*
Note *Elements given are from Orbiter.pdf (2016)

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the only body known to harbor life. Earth is one of the four 'rocky' planets the other three being Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The only natural satellite orbiting Earth is the Moon.

The Earth is close to an oblate spheroid, but, in Orbiter it's modeled as a sphere.

Earth in Orbiter

The Earth is one of the original twelve bodies modeled in Orbiter beginning with Orbiter 2001. In 2001, the orbital characteristics were defined in the Earth.cfg file, but all versions after that, the orbit was defined in the Vsop87.dll file in the Modules folder. Physical, Rotation and precession, Atmospheric, Cloud, Visualisation parameters are defined in the Earth.cfg file.

Orbiter 2001 included only three surface bases, but Orbiter 2002 expanded the list to 35.