4179 Toutatis

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4179 Toutatis
4179 Toutatis from MainBeltAsteroids051403.zip in Orbiter 2002P3
Name 4179 Toutatis
Reference body Sun
Number of satellites 0
Planetary mean orbits
Epoch 2003.441
Semimajor axis (a) 375 618 911 673 m
Eccentricity (e) 0.63372709
Inclination (i) 0.4695979278°
(0.00819603 radian)
Longitude of the ascending node (LAN, ☊) 128.2206691° (2.237872845 radian)
Longitude of periapsis (ϖ) 403.0280894° (7.034167138 radian)
Mean longitude (L) 638.0077712° (11.13533626 radian)
Rotational Elements
Sidereal Rotation Period 468000 seconds
(130 hours)
Sidereal Rotation Offset 0
Obliquity 0 radians
Selected physical parameters
Mean radius 1650 m
Mass 5×10<su>13 kg Note *Elements given are from 951 Gaspra.cfg (MainBeltAsteroids051403)

4179 Toutatis (1934 CT) is an elongated asteroid in the main asteroid belt, and is also a Mars and Earth crosser. It was first discovered on 10 February 1934, but was lost until is was again sighted on 4 January 1989 by Christian Pollas. It was named after a Celtic god.

Toutatis can approach Earth as close as 2.8 lunar distances, and approached as close as 4 LD in 2004. It has a 3:1 orbital resonance with Jupiter and near 1:4 resonance with Earth. This leads to a very chaotic behavior in its orbit which does not allow accurate predictions of its orbit far into the future. It has been classified as a potentially hazardous object.

Toutatis has been studied by radar a number of times and was visited by Chang'e 2 during a flyby on 13 December 2012.

Toutatis in Orbiter

4179 Toutatis was first introduced to Orbiter with the release of MainBeltAsteroids051403 in 2003.

Note that the landing surface as given in the config file is spherical, but the visual of these bodies are not, if you land, you will likely be above or below the visual surface.

Orbiter versions and add-ons which include 4179 Toutatis
Add-on Source Version Author Type Release Date Compatibility Wiki article
Main Belt Asteroids v1.0 O-F Resources v1.0 Unknown OHM Addon Developer Scenery 14 May 2003


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