RCS attitude MFD

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Revision as of 04:41, 14 December 2024 by Arvil (talk | contribs) (RCS attitude MFD mode.)
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Screenshot of RCS Attitude Main Page
Screenshot of RCS Attitude Basemode Page
Screenshot of RCS Attitude Configuration Page
Screenshot of RCS Attitude Docking Page

RCS Attitude MFD mode provides certain attitude control with the Reaction Control Systems in addition to the Navigationi mode indicators and controls on the ship's instrument panel. In the Launchpad, in the Modules tab, Script MFD must be checked for this to work.

All pages in this MFD mode will show "RCS Attitude" at the top right of the display. The next section of the display will show what mode is active, if any and any programmed offset. At the bottom, the display will show any pitch/yaw deviation (Dr) and any roll deviation (Da) from the programmed orientation, in other words how much pitch and yaw in degrees to the programmed pitch and yaw, and how much roll until the programmed roll orientation.

This table will describe the orientation of the ship (+z-axis and +y-axis) in each of the programmed attitude positions.

Vessel orientation
Mode +z-axis (ship's nose) +y-axis (ship's top)
Prograde Velocity vector orbit normal
Retrograde Antivelocity vector
Orbit normal Orbit normal
Orbit antinormal Orbit antinormal
Perpendicular in
Perpendicular out
Radial Down
Radial up