List of Orbiter related videographers

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At least 147 Orbiter fans have created at least 2684 videos on Nicovideo, Twitch, Vimeo, and YouTube for a total of more than 2850 hours of video time. Some videos are demos and some are recorded as tutorials.

  • Total videographers: 147
  • Total videos: 2684
  • Total hours: 3088:27:41
Orbiter related videos
Channel Number of Videos Total time
1CAG Videos 1 00:32:44
1T2E3D4 (Teddy John) videos 12 01:56:57
20 years: An Orbiter Documentary videos 1 00:03:20
Aterrizaje Sintes Ruiz de la Excalera videos 66 28:39:32
Alfastar (Alfastar15N) videos 2 00:26:18
Anton Jansen videos 3 02:59:47
Ao7g videos 4 00:18:49
Apollo Houston videos 61 10:13:54
Apollorbiter 1 00:05:48
apollosaturn5 videos 34 09:40:09
Asbjørn Krüger videos 1 00:10:53
Astronomy Live videos 5 06:22:09
AztroNut66 videos 52 10:15:26
Becker67 videos 2 00:14:18
BGM videos 1 00:33:49
BigMac199 videos 3 00:16:14
bombometcik videos 2 00:12:24
BuzzAldrinOrbiter videos 27 01:37:54
Claudiu Tănăselia videos 1 00:02:38
Connor Spangler videos 3 00:29:45
Cosmitaur videos 29 06:21:02
Christopher Billing videos 3 00:37:33
DagoOrbiter videos 3 00:03:08
DanStephOrbiter videos 6 00:13:08
DaveS videos 4 00:16:29
David Courtney videos 388 185:38:37
dbeachy1 videos 1 00:09:07
dgatsoulis videos 67 16:39:03
dickunddoof122 videos 16 01:25:55
Dmitry633 videos 1 00:01:36
Don Gallagher videos 4 00:04:09
donamy58 videos 24 00:31:30
DorDek Kiddy videos 7 02:53:00
DR_Aeronautics videos 78 66:25:48
dramadoctorwho videos 4 00:21:06
dundun92 videos 11 14:53:39
EndeavorLaunch videos 2 00:03:38
EnjoMitch videos 4 00:09:33
Entry Interface videos 26 04:53:20
Epo Nandrolone videos 9 04:52:11
Fausto Dioli videos 4 00:21:20
faustodioliOrbiter videos 25 01:21:42
FeLUX42 videos 1 00:01:28
Ferrariman601 videos 36 03:27:30
flyingshovel1 videos 1 00:04:16
gab wei videos 12 08:06:50
Geizer1984 videos 6 00:19:30
Geraldo Nathanael videos 17 01:39:20
Gin-chan's Odd Jobs videos 2 00:34:35
hipotok1978 videos 2 00:09:09
indianajones91 videos 20 05:41:19
ISAMU 808 videos 7 00:46:50
istochnikov45257 videos 1 00:04:15
IzackN videos 7 00:28:33
jacques Momo videos 36 01:09:51
James Thorpe videos 20 02:33:10
Jan Wedekind videos 8 03:45:45
jeff penguin videos 10 03:29:45
jinjatube videos 1 00:33:05
Jonny B. Goode videos 1 00:04:01
Juan Carlos R videos 2 00:09:06
Julian Danzer videos 72 17:51:48
jxdigital videos 4 00:09:21
Kuen Lam videos 4 00:50:24
Larry Underw00d videos 17 03:50:50
Lorenzo Ferrario videos 2 00:10:27
LoserSVK videos 3 00:21:44
LuisJimenez992 videos 1 00:04:02
Lunamovie2008 videos 3 00:24:38
Łukasz B videos 6 00:12:56
MachitopiaStudio videos 1 00:01:20
marcheenek videos 1 00:09:57
markpytn videos 4 00:17:36
masmiver videos 1 00:01:35
Matteo Orlandi videos 6 00:22:48
Matthew Hume videos 11 00:55:51
Maxime Croissette videos 12 00:48:14
Michael Clyde videos 4 00:13:41
mikeman7918 videos 3 01:18:20
mikusingularity videos 5 00:29:03
mofec4ever videos 6 02:00:24
Mohd Ali videos 39 07:38:20
MrFrenchBoxx 3 00:45:02
Murat Vishnyakov videos 9 00:36:35
MynameisPongsatorn videos 2 00:31:08
n0madick1 videos 2 00:14:59
n72.75 videos 3 00:44:01
Nikogori videos 80 09:53:56
Obsolete videos 1 00:09:18
Olof Nebrin videos 3 00:11:17
OrbinautBoxx videos 11 30:01:08
OrbiSondas videos 23 10:57:50
Orbiter & KSP España videos 1 00:34:43
Orbiter space flight videos 7 00:22:53
Orbiter Spore videos 1 00:03:10 Aerospace videos 28 05:35:48
orbitersim videos 11 00:25:25
OrbiterX videos 87 150:58:29
Pablo videos 1 00:01:50
phil wink videos 5 00:42:58
pilot7893 videos 17 01:01:49
Pilot Naut videos 1 00:08:25
Planetary Defense Foundation 1 00:00:12
Poscikk videos 2 00:08:32
Punpunsara videos 12 05:05:22
Rangerpl1322 videos 1 00:06:33
Ren Dhark videos 6 00:38:49
Ricardo Jiménez videos 1 00:10:32
Ricardo Nunes videos 6 00:22:01
rockettony101 videos 65 37:39:27
Rodion Herrera videos 14 04:07:45
Roger Dodger Aviation videos 1 00:07:13
Roi in orbit videos 14 05:15:57
Rserferino Orbiter Filmmaker videos 92 07:39:41
RISTIMIKKO videos 2 01:42:06
Scifimaster 92 videos 1 00:06:17
Scott Manley videos 7 02:07:54
sergus2001 videos 9 00:27:17
Sin Today videos 1 00:00:34
Snax videos 57 35:33:09
Skad FPV videos 2 00:12:16
SolarLiner videos 3 00:29:25
Space Boy videos 29 10:39:55
SpaceJockey videos 16 04::26:16
spacex orbiter 2016 videos 45 09:24:17
SpiderSpace videos 4 02:49:31
STELLAR COMMANDER videos 14 48:32:18
STSmissions videos 6 00:50:46
Supersonic videos 2 00:11:41
TexFilms videos 125 39:01:33
Theartlav videos 13 00:58:16
Timm Humphreys videos 9 01:34:28
Tom K videos 2 00:25:21
Toppers Gaming Channel videos 7 00:26:28
Trekkie Orbiter videos 4 00:03:30
Turambar 110 217:06:47
TurryBoeing 135 1322:22:40
Unstung videos 11 00:24:47
Usonian20 videos 1 00:07:50
Victor Lawrence Ortiz videos 1 00:01:55
VSFX videos 3 00:12:10
VZ's Stuff 2 00:07:08
Waendur81 videos 3 03:28:01
Warstaker videos 11 00:58:41
Wipeout Flight Studio's prods videos 7 00:40:05
Wout De Backer videos 3 00:18:22
XPBoeing videos 71 508:38:48
Yellowlitelynne videos 2 00:09:18
Zeewala videos 1 01:01:45
Totals 2491 2497:40:01

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