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Enceladus in Orbiter 2016 with D3D9 client with Saturn in the background
Name Enceladus
Reference body Saturn
Planetary mean orbits
Epoch 1999
Semimajor axis (a) 238000000 m
Eccentricity (e) 0.0001
Inclination (i) 0.009998°
(1.745×10-4 radian)
Longitude of the ascending node (LAN, ☊) 137.0515046°
(2.392 radian)
Longitude of periapsis (ϖ) 111.7840658°
(1.951 radian)
Mean longitude (L) 273.8165303°
(4.779 radian)
Selected physical parameters
Mean radius 249000 km
Mass 7.30×1019 kg
Rotation elements
SidRotPeriod 118454 seconds (32.9 hours)
SidRotOffset 0
Obliqutiy 0.4895
LAN 6.09808
Note *Elements given are from Enceladus.cfg (osaturn.zip)

Enceladus is sixth largest moon of Saturn, and the nineteenth largest moon in the Solar System, about 500 km diameter, about a tenth the diameter of Titan. It was discovered by William Herschel on 28 August 1789. Enceladus has been imaged by Voyagers 1 and 2 and by the Cassini mission.

Enceladus in Orbiter

Enceladus was introduced by the release of Orbiter 2002.

Orbiter versions and add-ons which include Enceladus.

Orbiter versions and add-ons which include Enceladus
Add-on Source Version Author Type Release Date Compatibility Wiki article
Orbiter 2003-P2 O-F Resources 031217 martins Orbiter Download 17 December 2003 Orbiter 2003-P2
Orbiter 2003-P1 O-F Resources 031105 martins Orbiter Download 5 November 2003
Moons of Saturn Part 3 AVSIM Rolf Keibel Scenery 19 October 2002
Orbiter 2002 O-F Resources 020419 martins Orbiter Download 19 April 2002 Orbiter 2002

See also

Enceladus at Wikipedia

Saturn's natural satellites


Named Satellites: Aegaeon | Aegir | Albiorix | Alvaldi | Angrboda | Anthe | Atlas | Bebhionn | Beli | Bergelmir | Bestia | Calypso | Daphnis | Dione | Eggther | Enceladus | Epimetheus | Erriapus | Farbauti | Fenrir | Fornjot | Geirrod | Gerd | Greip | Gridr | Gunnlod | Hati | Helene | Hyperion | Hyrrokkin | Iapetus | Ijiraq | Janus | Jarnsaxa | Kari | Kiviuq | Loge | Methone | Mimas | Mundilfari | Narvi | Paaliaq | Pallene | Pan | Pandora | Phoebe | Polydeuces | Prometheus | Rhea | Siarnaq | Skathi | Skoll | Skrymir | Surtur | Suttungr | Tarqeq | Tarvos | Telesto | Tethys | Thiazzi | Thrymr | Titan | Ymir

Numbered Satellites: S/2004 S7 | S/2004 S12 | S/2004 S13 | S/2004 S17 | S/2004 S21 | S/2004 S24 | S/2004 S26 | S/2004 S28 | S/2004 S29 | S/2004 S31 | S/2004 S34 | S/2004 S36 | S/2004 S37 | S/2004 S39 | S/2004 S40 | S/2004 S41 | S/2004 S42 | S/2004 S43 | S/2004 S44 | S/2004 S45 | S/2004 S46 | S/2004 S47 | S/2004 S48 | S/2004 S49 | S/2004 S50 | S/2004 S51 | S/2004 S52 | S/2004 S53 | S/2005 S4 | S/2005 S5 | S/2006 S1 | S/2006 S3 | S/2006 S9 | S/2006 S10 | S/2006 S11 | S/2006 S12 | S/2006 S13 | S/2006 S14 | S/2006 S15 | S/2006 S16 | S/2006 S17 | S/2006 S18 | S/2006 S19 | S/2006 S20 | S/2007 S2 | S/2007 S3 | S/2007 S5 | S/2007 S6 | S/2007 S8 | S/2007 S8 | S/2007 S9 | S/2009 S1 | S/2019 S1 | S/2019 S2 | S/2019 S3 | S/2019 S4 | S/2019 S5 | S/2019 S6 | S/2019 S7 | S/2019 S8 | S/2019 S9 | S/2019 S10 | S/2019 S11 | S/2019 S12 | S/2019 S13 | S/2019 S14 | S/2019 S15 | S/2019 S16 | S/2019 S17 | S/2019 S18 | S/2019 S19 | S/2019 S20 | S/2019 S21 | S/2020 S1 | S/2020 S2 | S/2020 S3 | S/2020 S4 | S/2020 S5 | S/2020 S6 | S/2020 S7 | S/2020 S8 | S/2020 S9 | S/2020 S10

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