90377 Sedna

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90377 Sedna from 90377Sedna.rar in Orbiter 2016 with D3D9
Name 90377 Sedna
Reference body Sun
Planetary mean orbits
Epoch 2010.55578370979
Semimajor axis (a) 77576967808899 m
Eccentricity (e) 0.857
Inclination (i) 11.9286199988973°
(0.2081936942 radian)
Longitude of the ascending node (LAN, ☊) 144.545000000275°
(2.5227861673 radian)
Longitude of periapsis (ϖ) 455.834999998376°
(7.9558215958 radian)
Mean longitude (L) 813.997999997204°
(14.2069452046 radian)
Selected physical parameters
Mean radius 995000.8 m
Mass 1×1021 kg
Rotation elements
SidRotPeriod 36000 seconds (10 hours)
SidRotOffset 0
Obliqutiy 2.1385519325
Note *Elements given are from Sedna.cfg (90377Sedna.rar)

90377 Sedna (2003 VB12) is a dwarf planet orbiting in the Kuiper Belt and is a trans-Neptunian object. It is the farthest known object in the Solar System, and was discovered in November 2003 by Michael Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David Rabinowitz.

90377 Sedna in Orbiter[edit]

Sedna is modeled as an 1500 km body. It was introduced to Orbiter with the release of the add-on Kuiper Objects Pack.zip in August 2006.

Orbiter versions and add-ons which include 90377 Sedna
Add-on Source Version Author Type Release Date Compatibility Wiki article
Celestial Bodies Motion - Part 2/4 - v2.0.0 O-F Resources v2.0.0 cristiapi Scenery 2 July 2015 *module only
90377 Sedna O-F Resources 2014-12-31 Anroalh12 Scenery 31 December 2014
Sedna v2.0 O-F Resources v2.0 Piper Scenery 12 May 2008
Kuiper Object Pack Patch V1.0 O-F Resources V1.0 markl316 Scenery 19 August 2006
Kuiper Objects Pack O-F Resources 2006-08-10 markl316 Scenery 11 August 2006

See also[edit]

Sedna (dwarf planet) at Wikipedia


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