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* AF -
This list contains definitions for [[Orbiter]] or important [[spaceflight]] acronyms or abbreviations, especially those appearing in [[MFD|MFDs]] and various [[HUD]] modes.
* AgP - [[argument of periapsis]]
* AN - [[ascending node]]
One entry in this list consists of a term with one or more definitions, like:
* ApA - [[apoapsis]] altitude
* ApD - [[apoapsis]] distance
* ApR - [[apoapsis]] radius
* ApT - time to [[apoapsis]]
* Alt - [[altitude]]
* atmo - [[atmosphere]]
* AU - [[astronomical unit]]
Don't use links in the term part of a entry, please do so in the definition part, for keeping a consistent look-and-feel and don't putting to much emphasis on a single definition.
* CDI - [[course deviation indicator]]
* CDR - commander
Terms without definitions will get moved to the talk page into the section "Wanted definitions". If you have multiple definitions for a term, the definition part should turn into a numbered list, like:
* [[CEV]] - Crew Expedition Vehicle
* COM - communication or communicator
#Definition 1
* CTRL - Control
#Definition 2
* CVEL - [[closing velocity]]
#Definition 3
* CVEL - Common Vessel Extensions Light, see [[CVEL]]
* DN - [[descending node]]
* DG - [[Delta-glider]]
* DG-S [[Delta-glider]] equiped with two [[scramjet|scramjets]].
#Definition 1
* DIV - [[divergent]], i.e. [[yaw]] [[gimbal]] mode.
#Definition 2
* Dir - direction
#Definition 3
* Dist - distance
* DLng - longitude difference, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
* DNP - dynamic [[pressure]]
The order of the definitions should be like that:
* DNS - atmospheric density
#Orbiter HUD definitions
* DST or Dst - distance (to target)
#Orbiter MFD definitions
* DTe - time to [[ejection]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
#General Orbiter definitions
* DTi - time to intercept, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
#Orbiter [[Add-on]] definitions
* DTmin - time of arrical difference, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
#General spaceflight definitions
* Dv - delta [[velocity]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
* Ecc - [[eccentricity]]
If you don't agree to a ordering of definitions, please complain in the [[Talk:List_of_Acronyms_and_Abbreviations|talk]] page about the entry.
* ECL - plane of the [[ecliptic]]
* ESA - [[European Space Agency]]
==See also==
* ET - [[external tank]]
* EQU - plane of the [[equator]]
* [[Russian glossary]]
* [[EVA]] - Extra vehicular activity
* [[List of Acronyms and Abbreviations/ISS|List of Acronyms and Abbreviations for the ISS]]
* FGB - russian abbreviation for Functional Cargo Block. See [[FGB]]
* FoV - field of view, as seen in the [[general information display]]
* FPS - [[frame rate]], as seen in the [[general information display]]
* G - an unit of acceleration. 1 G equals the gravity acceleration on earths surface, 9.81 m/s²
* GL - [[Delta-glider]]
* GS - [[ground speed]]
;ACC: Acceleration, used in [[Surface MFD]] to indicate increasing or decereasing horizontal speed of the ship in m/s<sup>2</sup>
* GMT - Greenwich Mean Time. Earth's mean time standard.
;ACT: Activate, command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] in docking mode to activate the programmed orientation to the target dock
* H - Horizon
;AgP:[[Argument of periapsis]]:The angle in the orbit from the point of the ascending node to the point of periapsis, displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
* HUD - [[heads up display]]
;ALT or Alt:[[altitude]], distance from the body surface
* HSI - [[horizontal situation indicator]]
#Used in [[Orbit MFD]] when Alt mode is selected to indicate distance from the surface of the body
* HST - [[Hubble Space Telescope]]
#Used in [[Surface MFD]] to indicate altitude in km from the body surface
* HTO - [[hypothetical orbit]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;AN:[[ascending node]]:a vector in an orbit where the body passes from south to north of the plane of reference (i.e. ecliptic or equatorial). Shown in [[Align MFD]] and [[Orbit MFD]] as a dotted vector line connecting to a solid square on the orbit.
* IAS - indicated air speed [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indicated_air_speed]
;AOA: Angle of attack, the difference between the ship's direction of travel and the pitch of its nose
* IDS - [[instrument docking system]]
#Used in [[Surface MFD]] to indicate the angle of attack
* ILS - [[instrument landing system]]
;AORP:'''A'''utonomous '''O'''rbiter '''R'''apid '''P'''rototype, a system to allow a [[STS|shuttle]] orbiter to land without [[crew]].
* Inc - Inclination
;AP: Used in [[Surface MFD]], a red rectangle with white "AP" in the altitude tape to indicate the altitude of the ship's apoapsis
* ISP - specific impulse
;ApA:[[apoapsis]] apoapsis altitude, the lowest altitude of an orbit, displayed in [[Orbit MFD]].
* ISS - [[International Space Station]]
;ApD:[[apoapsis]] apoapsis distance
* JD - julian date
;ApR:[[apoapsis]] apoapsis radius, displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
* KISS - "Keep it simple, stupid!" Famous engineering dogma.
;ApT:time to [[apoapsis]] in seconds, displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
* KSC - [[Kennedy Space Center]]
* LAN - longitude of [[ascending node]] or local-area network
#'''A'''utomatic '''R'''eference, used in [[Align MFD]], [[Orbit MFD]] as a command button for Align to select a reference body automatically based on highest gravity
* LDEF - [[Long Duration Exposure Facility]]
#'''A'''ltitude '''R'''ange, used to manually set the range in the altitude graph in [[Ascent profile MFD]]
* LEO - [[Low earth orbit]]
#'''a'''cceptance '''r'''eview
* LPe - longitude of [[periapsis]]
* m - metre
;ATM DATA: Atmospheric data in [[Surface MFD]] readouts
* M - Mega (SI prefix). Occasionally mass or [[mach]] number
* MECO - Main Engine Cutoff
#'''A'''utonomous '''T'''ransfer '''V'''ehicle, an unmanned cargo spacecraft, see [[ATV]].
* [[MFD]] - multifunction display
#'''A'''utomated '''T'''ransfer '''V'''ehicle[http://www.orbiterwiki.org/wiki/ATV#The_ATV]
* MJD - [[modified julian date]]
;AU:[[astronomical unit]]
* MMU - Manned Maneuvering Unit
;AX: '''Ax'''is, command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to change the selected axis beetween pitch/yaw/roll
* MnA - [[mean anomaly]]
* MnL - [[mean longitude]]
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* MSx - Mission Specialist x
* m/s - meters per second, the SI base unit of [[velocity]]
* NAV - navigation or [[navigation aid]]
;BAS: Basemode, command button to select programmed attitude (prograde, orbit normal, perpendicular in, radial down) in [[RCS attitude MFD]]
* OAT - outside air temperature
;BMW:'''B'''ate, '''M'''ueller, '''W'''hite - authors of ''Fundamentals of Astrodynamics'' (1971)
* Ob - obliquity of ecliptic (tilt of axis of rotation against plane of ecliptic)
;BRG: '''B'''ea'''r'''in'''g''', used in the [[Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD]] to indicate the compass direction of the ILS or VOR transmitter
* OBS - [[omni bearing selector]]
* OBT - [[orbit]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
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* OMS - orbital maneuvering system, the 'main engines' of the orbital [[space shuttle]]
* OS - [[orbital speed]]
;CaLV:'''Ca'''rgo '''l'''aunch '''v'''ehicle, see [[Ares V]]
* P - position (sometimes radius) vector, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;CDI:[[course deviation indicator]]
* p0 - atmospheric pressure at sea level
* PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicators, lit runway centreline.
* PB -
#'''c'''ritical '''d'''esign '''r'''eview
* PeA - [[periapsis]] altitude
;CEV:'''C'''rew '''e'''xpedition '''v'''ehicle, see [[CEV]]
* PeD - [[periapsis]] distance
;CFD:computational fluid dynamics
* PeR - [[periapsis]] radius
;CFG: command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to switch to configuration page
* PG - [[prograde]]
;CLV:'''C'''rew '''l'''aunch '''v'''ehicle, see [[Ares I]]
* PLT - Pilot
;CNC: Cancel, used in [[RCS attitude MFD]] in the docking mode to cancel the docking mode program
* Pos - position
;COAS:'''C'''rew '''O'''ptical '''A'''lignment '''S'''ight
* PRJ - [[projection]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
;COM:communication or communicator
* PSx - Payload Specialist x
;CRS: '''C'''ou'''rs'''e, indicates the ship's course (heading) in the [[Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD]]
* R - mean radius or specific gas constant
;CTD:[[crash to desktop]]
* r0 - atmospheric density at sea level
* Rad - radial distance (not to be confused with angular unit ''radians'')
* RAnm - [[true anomaly]] of reference axis, as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
#'''C'''rew '''T'''ransfer '''V'''ehicle, a manned spacecraft derived from the [[ATV]], see [[CTV]]
* Rate - rate of change, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
#'''C'''ompatibility '''T'''est '''V'''an, '''NASA'''
* RCS - [[reaction control system]], spacebourne orientation rocket system.
;CUR: Command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to set the programmed attitude to the current attitude
* RInc - [[relative inclination]], as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
* RVel - relative [[velocity]]
#[[closing velocity]]
* RG - [[retrograde]]
#'''C'''ommon '''V'''essel '''E'''xtensions '''L'''ight, see [[CVEL]]
* RMS - Remote Manipulator System
* SECO - Secondary Engine Cutoff
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* Sim - simulation time (in seconds), as seen in the [[general information display]] or a common abbreviation for "simulator"
* SHP - [[ship]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
;D3D9:refers to the advanced graphics client in [[Orbiter]]
* Sh-ToR - ship [[time-on-reference]], as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
;Da: Deviation, displayed in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to indicate how many degrees the ship has to go in Roll to reach programmed attitude
* SLF - shuttle landing facility, see [[Cape Canaveral]]
;DCK: command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to set the MFD into Docking mode
* SMa - [[semi-major axis]]  
;DDT&E:'''d'''esign, '''d'''evelopment, '''t'''est and '''e'''valuation
* SSME - Space Shuttle Main Engines
;DEV:'''Dev'''iation, in the [[Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD]], it indicates how far the OBS is adjusted left or right of the radial
* SMi - [[semi-minor axis]]
* SRB - Solid Rocket Booster
;DG4:Orbiter's stock '''DG'''
* SSTO - [[Single_Stage_To_Orbit | Single Stage to Orbit]]
;DGIII:[[DeltagliderIII]], a famous enhanced version of the [[Delta-glider]].
* STP - static [[pressure]] or [[Stone Temple Pilots]]
;DGIV:[[DeltaGliderIV]], an improved version of the [[DeltaGliderIII]].
* STS - space transportation system, [[space shuttle]]
;DG-S:[[Delta-glider]] equiped with two [[scramjet|scramjets]].
* Tgt - target, esp. in [[docking]] mode
* Tg-ToR - target [[time-on-reference]], as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
* T - orbit period, measured in seconds
#Displayed in [[Sync MFD]], distance ship to target
* TAS - true air speed [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_air_speed]
;DIV:[[divergent]], i.e. [[yaw]] [[gimbal]] mode.
* TKS - russian spacecraft for the Almaz program, see [[TKS]]  
;DLng:difference in longitude between ship and target, displayed in [[Sync MFD]]
* TLe - eject longitude, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
* TLi - intercept longitude, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
#'''Down''', used in [[Map MFD]] when Tracking mode is off and map zoomed in to scroll the map down so you can see farther South
* Tn - time to node, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
# Command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to change the selected modification up so you can edit it
* TOFS - tangential offset [[docking MFD]]
#[[descending node]]
* TrA - [[true anomaly]]
;DNP:dynamic [[pressure]], given in Pa
* TrL - [[true longitude]]
#Displayed in [[Surface MFD]] to indicate atmospheric pressure
* Ts - length of siderial day
;DNS:atmospheric density, given in kg m<sup>-3</sup>, symbol ρ
* Tth - predicted thrust time, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
#displayed in [[Surface MFD]]
* TVEL - tangential [[velocity]]
;DPS:'''D'''ata '''P'''rocessing '''S'''ystem. Term describing the general purpose computers and their interfaces onboard various manned spacecraft
* UT - universal time, GMT. Not to be confused with UTC (Universial Time Co-ordinated). The latter is based on atomic clocks not astronomy, hence the occasional ''leap-second'' to correct UTC to GMT.
;Dr: Deviation, displayed in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to indicate how many degrees until the ship reaches pitch and yaw alignment with the programmed attitude
* VASI - Visual Approach Slope Indicator, the glideslope lighting system ajacent to runways to guide pilots onto the correct angle of glideslope (normally 3 degrees).
;DSP: '''D'''i'''sp'''lay, used in [[Map MFD]] to switch between Ground Track Display and Orbital Plane Display
* VC - virtual cockpit
;DST or Dst:
* Vel - [[velocity]]
#Distance (to target), used in the [[Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD]] to indicate distance to the selected ILS or VOR transmitter
* VOR - [[very high frequency omnidirectional radio]]
#Distance, used in [[Orbit MFD]] to select between Rad, ApR, PeR (distance from body center) and Alt, ApA, PeA (distance from body surface)
* VS - vertical speed
;DTe:time to [[ejection]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
* VTOL - Vertical Take Off and Landing
;DTi:time to intercept, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
* STOVL - Short take-off, vertical landing. As performed by the DG on full fuel employing hover thrusters during takeoff.
;DTmin:time of arrival difference
* Wrp - time acceleration factor, seen in the [[general information display]]
#Displayed in [[Sync MFD]] to indicate difference in time between ship and target passing the intersection point
* XPDR - [[transponder]]
;Dv:delta [[velocity]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]], see also [[Delta-V]]
* ZM - zoom, as seen on the [[map MFD]]
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;Ecc:[[eccentricity]] of orbit, displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
;ECL:plane of the [[ecliptic]]
;ECLSS:'''E'''nvironmental '''c'''ontrol and '''l'''ife '''s'''upport '''s'''ystem
;ECSS:'''e'''uropean '''c'''ooperation for '''s'''pace '''s'''tandardization
;EELV:Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
;ELS: '''EL'''ements, custom '''S'''elect, used in [[Align MFD]] to select a custom orbital elements to which to align
;END: command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to stop the programmed attitude mode
;EQU:plane of the [[equator]]
;EQU POS: Equatorial position, given as longitude and latitude
#Displayed in [[Surface MFD]] given as position and rate of change
;ESA:[[European Space Agency]]
;ESAS:[[w:Exploration Systems Architecture Study|Exploration Systems Architecture Study]]
;ET:[[external tank]]
;EVA:'''E'''xtra '''v'''ehicular '''a'''ctivity, see [[EVA]]
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;FGB:Russian abbreviation for Functional Cargo Block. See [[FGB]]
;FoV:field of view, as seen in the [[general information display]]
;FPS:[[frame rate]] (frames per second), as seen in the [[general information display]]
;FRF:'''F'''light '''R'''eadiness '''F'''iring, a launch countdown test of the Shuttle running all except SRB ignition and lift-off.
;FRM: '''Fr'''a'''m'''e of reference, used in [[Orbit MFD]] to change the orbital display and parameters between Equatorial or Ecliptic
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;G or g:
#used in [[Orbit MFD]], indicates what fraction of gravity is exerted on the ship by the reference body (0 to 1)
#unit of acceleration. 1g equals the gravity acceleration on earths surface, 9.81 m/s²
;GET:'''G'''round '''E'''lapsed '''T'''ime [http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4029/Apollo_00c_Introduction.htm]
;GL:Used often as vehicle name prefix for a [[Delta-glider]]
;GLOC:'''G'''ravity-induced '''L'''oss '''o'''f '''C'''onsciousness 
;GMT:Greenwich Mean Time.See [[w:Universal Time|Universal Time on Wikipedia]]
;GO: '''Go''', command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]], once the desired orientation and modifications are set, to activate the program
;GPDS:[[GPDS|Generic Payload Description System]]
;GPS:'''G'''lobal '''P'''ositioning '''S'''ystem
;GS: [[w:Ground speed|Ground speed]]
#Command button in [[Surface MFD]] to set the speed tape to GS
;GTO:[[GTO|'''g'''eostationary '''t'''ransfer '''o'''rbit]]
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;HAC:[[Heading Alignment Cone]]
;HLLV:'''h'''eavy '''l'''ift '''l'''aunch '''v'''ehicle
;HSI:[[horizontal situation indicator]]
;HST:[[Hubble Space Telescope]]
;HTO:[[hypothetical transfer orbit]], as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;HUD:[[heads up display]], used in [[Docking MFD]], [[Orbit MFD]], [[Surface MFD]] to copy the current parameters to the HUD
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;IAS:indicated air speed [[w:Indicated airspeed|Indicated airspeed]]
#Command button in [[Surface MFD]] to set the speed tape to IAS
;IDS:[[IDS|instrument docking system]], used in [[Docking MFD]]
#[[instrument landing system]]
#also used in [[Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD]] to indicate which runway at which Spaceport is selected by the NAV system
#'''I'''nternational '''l'''aunch '''s'''ervices, a US-russian joint venture marketing [[Atlas]] and [[Proton]] launches
;Inc: [[Inclination]], angular difference between one orbit with respect to another, usually the ecliptic, equatorial, body orbit, or target orbit, displayed in [[Align MFD]], [[Orbit MFD]]
;INV: Inverse, command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to change the programmed attitude to the inverse (retrograde, orbit antinormal, perpendicular out, radial up)
;ISP:[[specific impulse]]
;ISS:[[International Space Station]]
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;JD:[[Julian date]]
;JSC:  Lyndon B. '''J'''ohnson '''S'''pace '''C'''enter
;JWST:'''J'''ames '''W'''ebb '''S'''pace '''T'''elescope
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;KISS:"Keep it simple, stupid!" Famous engineering dogma.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle]
;KSC:[[Kennedy Space Center]]
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#Longitude of the [[ascending node]], used in [[Align MFD]], [[Orbit MFD]]
#local-area network
#'''l'''aunch '''c'''ontrol '''c'''enter
#'''l'''ife '''c'''ycle '''c'''ost
;LDEF:[[Long Duration Exposure Facility]]
;LEN: List Length
#Command button in [[Sync MFD]] to select number of orbits to display (lines 0-18)
;LEO:[[Low earth orbit]]
;LH2:Liquid Hydrogen
;LOCV: Loss of crew and vehicle
;LOX:Liquid Oxygen
;LPe:longitude of [[periapsis]], displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
;L/R:'''L'''eft/'''R'''ight, used in [[Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD]] to switch MFD mode focus to the left or right graphic display
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#Mega (SI prefix for 10<sup>6</sup>).
#Mass, given in kg
#[[mach]] number or multiples of speed of sound in a given medium
##Used in [[Surface MFD]] ship's speed is given in mach number as well as m/s
#'''m'''id '''c'''ourse '''c'''orrection
#'''m'''ission '''c'''ontrol '''center'''
;MCC-H:'''m'''ission '''c'''ontrol '''c'''enter '''H'''ouston
;MCC-M:'''m'''ission '''c'''ontrol '''c'''enter '''M'''oscow
;MDR:'''m'''ission '''d'''efinition '''r'''eview
;MECO:'''m'''ain '''e'''ngine '''c'''ut'''o'''ff
;MET:'''M'''ission '''E'''lapsed '''T'''ime. See [[w:Mission Elapsed Time|Mission Elapsed Time on Wikipedia]].
;MFD:'''M'''ulti'''f'''unctional '''D'''isplay, see [[MFD]]
;MHz: '''M'''ega'''H'''er'''z''', same as the old term megacycles/second, radio and transponder frequency, used in [[COMNAV MFD]]
;MJD:[[modified Julian date]]
;MLP:[[Mobile Launcher Platform]]
;MMOD:'''M'''icro'''m'''eteorites and '''o'''rbital '''d'''ebris
;MMU:'''m'''anned '''m'''aneuvering '''u'''nit, see [[MMU]]
;MnA:[[mean anomaly]], displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
;MnL:[[mean longitude]], displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
;MOD: used in [[Orbit MFD]] and [[Sync MFD]] to cycle the display between parameters only, orbital display only, or both
;m/s:meters per second, the SI base unit of [[velocity]]
;MSx:Mission Specialist x
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#Navigatonal receiver,
##in [[COMNAV MFD]] it is used to identify up to four receivers in the stack
##in [[Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD]], it is used to select which receiver an HSI display is tuned to
##in [[RCS attitude MFD]] command button in Docking mode to slave one of the Nav receivers to this MFD
#[[navigation aid]]
;NT: '''N'''o '''t'''arget, used in [[Orbit MFD]] to deselect the target
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;OAT:outside air temperature, displayed in [[Surface MFD]] given in Kelvins (K)
#Obliquity of ecliptic (tilt of axis of rotation against plane of ecliptic)
#Orbit, displayed in [[Sync MFD]] indicates how many orbits remaining until rendezvous
;OB+ and OB-: '''O'''mni'''B'''earing, used to change the offset of the course arrow to left or right of the beam
;OBS:[[omni bearing selector]]
;OBT:[[orbit]], as seen on the [[orbit MFD]]
;OMBUU: '''O'''rbiter '''M'''id'''b'''ody '''U'''mbilical '''U'''nit
;[[OMP]]:'''O'''rbiter '''M'''ultiplayer '''P'''roject, an ongoing program to create a multiplayer server in Orbiter.
;OMS:'''O'''rbital '''M'''aneuvering '''S'''ystem, the 'main engines' of the [[space shuttle]] orbiter
;OS:[[w:Orbital speed|Orbital speed]]
#Command button in [[Surface MFD]] to set the speed tape to OS
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;P:position (sometimes radius) vector, as seen on the [[align orbital plane MFD]]
;p0:atmospheric pressure at sea level
;PAM:'''P'''ayload '''A'''ssist '''M'''odule, a family of solid upper stages for the [[Space Shuttle]]
;PAPI:'''P'''recision '''A'''pproach '''P'''ath '''I'''ndicators, lit runway centerline.
;PB:[[Shuttle PB]]
;PDR:'''p'''reliminary '''d'''esign '''r'''eview
;PDRS:'''P'''ayload '''D'''eployment and '''R'''etrieval '''S'''ystem, the official name of the robot arm of the Space Shuttle
;PeA:[[periapsis]] altitude. Altitude of periapsis above the surface of the orbited body, used in [[Orbit MFD]]
;PeD:[[periapsis]] distance. See PeR.
;PeR:[[periapsis]] radius. Distance of periapsis from the center of the orbited body, used in [[Orbit MFD]]
;PeT:time to [[periapsis]] in seconds, displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
#Page, switching displayed pages in an MFD mode, used in [[Align MFD]] and [[Ascent profile MFD]]
;PMI:'''P'''rincipal '''m'''oments of '''i'''nertia, see [[PMI]]
;PRJ: Projection, used in the [[Orbit MFD]] to switch orbital display between Ecliptic, Equatorial, Ship's orbit, Target orbit
;PRR:'''p'''reliminary '''r'''equirements '''r'''eview
;PSx:Payload Specialist x
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;QR: '''q'''ualification '''r'''eview
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#mean radius
#specific gas constant
;+R and -R:
#Command buttons in [[RCS attitude MFD]] (R+) to add a line (pitch, yaw, roll) to the programmed attitude, or R- to remove the last line
#Command buttons in [[Sync MFD]] to rotate intersection points
;r0:atmospheric density at sea level
#Displayed in [[Orbit MFD]] when Radius mode is selected to indicate distance from the center of the body in meters
#radial distance
#angular unit ''radians''
;RAnm:[[true anomaly]] of reference axis, displayed in [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
;Rate: How fast the current orbital plane is changing, degrees per second, used in [[Align MFD]]
;RCS:[[reaction control system]], spacebourne orientation rocket system.
;R&D:'''r'''esearch and '''d'''evelopment
;RDT&E:'''r'''esearch, '''d'''evelopment, '''t'''esting and '''e'''valuation
;REF: '''Reference'''
#used in [[Align MFD]], [[Map MFD]], [[Orbit MFD]] to select a reference body.
#'''Ref''': Reference displayed in [[Sync MFD]] to switch Reference axis
;RInc:[[relative inclination]], relative inclination between the ship and target orbits, used in [[Align MFD]] and [[Sync MFD]]
;RKA:Russian Space Agency
;RMS:'''R'''emote '''M'''anipulator '''S'''ystem
;RS:Russian-side, used as prefix for orientation when describing ISS components.
;RSLS:'''R'''edundant '''s'''et '''l'''aunch '''s'''equencer, the computer systems responsible for the ignition of the SSMEs in the [[Space Shuttle]] orbiter.
;RTFM:'''R'''ead '''t'''he '''f'''ine (or many other '''f'''-words) '''m'''anual, a typical forum answer for questions already answered extensivly in the manual.
;RTLS:'''R'''eturn '''t'''o '''l'''aunch '''s'''ite, a [[Space Shuttle]] abort mode.
;RTN: Return, command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to return the display to the Active mode page
;RVel:relative [[velocity]]
#Displayed in [[Sync MFD]], Relative speed between ship and target
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#'''S'''earch '''a'''nd '''r'''escue.
#'''S'''yntetic '''a'''perture '''r'''adar, a [[radar]] mode used for creating navigation maps or detect slowly moving ground vehicles.
;S/C: [[spacecraft|'''s'''pace'''c'''raft]]
;SC< and SC>:'''SC'''an frequency up or down in the currently selected receiver, used in [[COMNAV MFD]]
;SDK:Software Development Kit [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SDK]
;SDHLV:'''S'''huttle '''D'''erived '''H'''eavy '''L'''aunch '''V'''ehicle, see [[Ares V]]
;SDLV:'''S'''huttle '''D'''erived '''L'''aunch '''V'''ehicle, see [[Ares]]
#'''S'''econdary '''E'''ngine '''C'''ut'''o'''ff
#'''S'''ustainer '''E'''ngine '''C'''ut'''o'''ff
;SET: Set, used in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to set the desired attitude
;SHP: Ship, used in [[Map MFD]] to indicate your ship's name, position, altitude, course of your ship
#simulation time (in seconds), as seen in the [[general information display]]
#a common abbreviation for "simulator"
;Sh-ToR:ship [[time-on-reference]], as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
;SI unit: The metric system of measurement, the modern name, see [[SI unit]]
;SL+ and SL-: '''S'''e'''l'''ect, change which receiver to next or previous receiver to adjust frequency, used in [[COMNAV MFD]]
;SLF:shuttle landing facility, see [[Cape Canaveral]]
;SMa: [[semi-major axis]], used in [[Orbit MFD]]
;SMi:[[semi-minor axis]], used in [[Orbit MFD]]
;SRB:'''S'''olid '''R'''ocket '''B'''ooster [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_rocket_booster]
;SRTM:'''S'''huttle '''r'''adar '''t'''opography '''m'''ission, see [[SRTM]].
;SSME:Space Shuttle Main Engines [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSME_%28rocket_engine%29]
;SSTO:[[Single_Stage_To_Orbit | Single Stage to Orbit]]
;STOVL:Short take-off, vertical landing. As performed by the DG on full fuel employing hover thrusters during takeoff.
;STP:static [[pressure]], given in Pa
#Displayed in [[Surface MFD]] to indicate atmospheric pressure
;STS:'''s'''pace '''t'''ransportation '''s'''ystem, AKA space shuttle, see [[space transportation system]]
;SUS: command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to suspend programmed attitude temporarily
[[#top|Back to top]]
;T:orbit period, measured in seconds, displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
;TAEM:Terminal Area Energy Management
;TAS:true air speed [[w:True airspeed|True airspeed]]
#Command button in [[Surface MFD]] to set the speed tape to TAS
;TEI:'''T'''rans '''E'''arth '''I'''njection[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_Earth_Injection]
#command button used in [[Align MFD]], [[Docking MFD]], [[Map MFD]], [[Orbit MFD]], and [[Sync MFD]] to select a target
#used in the [[Map MFD]] display to indicate target name, position, altitude of the target
;Tg-ToR:target [[time-on-reference]], as seen on the [[synchronise orbit MFD]]
;TKS:russian spacecraft for the Almaz program, see [[TKS]]
;TLA:Three letter acronym for a '''t'''hree '''l'''etter '''a'''cronym.
;TLE:two-line elements
;TLe:eject longitude, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;TLi:intercept longitude, as seen on the [[transfer MFD]]
;TLI:Trans Lunar Injection
;Tn:'''T'''ime to '''n'''ode, used in [[Align MFD]]
;TOFS:tangential offset [[docking MFD]]
;ToR: time on reference axis, displayed in [[Sync MFD]] to indicate number of seconds until ship or target passes the intersection point
;TrA:[[true anomaly]], displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
;TRK:Track, used in [[map MFD]] to keep the ship centered in the map display
;TrL:[[true longitude]], displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
;TRL:'''t'''echnology '''r'''eadiness '''l'''evel
;Ts:length of siderial day
;TthA: Estimated thrust time at the ascending node to align planes, used in [[Align MFD]]
;TthD: Estimated thrust time at the descending node to align planes, used in [[Align MFD]]
;TVEL:tangential [[velocity]]
[[#top|Back to top]]
;UMMU:'''U'''niversal '''m'''anned '''m'''aneuvering '''u'''nit, popular add-on, see [[Universal MMU]].
;UNKS:unknown problems, you are aware of.
;UNK-UNKS:unknown problems, you are not aware of.
#'''UP''', used in [[Map MFD]] when Track mode is off and map is zoomed in to scroll the map up to see farther North
#Command button in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to change the selected modification up so you can edit it
;UT:'''u'''niversal '''t'''ime, GMT. Not to be confused with [[UTC]] (Universial Time Co-ordinated). The latter is based on atomic clocks not astronomy, hence the occasional ''leap-second'' to correct UTC to GMT.
[[#top|Back to top]]
;+V and -V: Used in [[RCS attitude MFD]] to add or subtract one degree each click the programmed attitude mode
;VACC: Vertical acceleration, used in [[Surface MFD]] how fast rate of ascent or descent is increasing or decreasing in m/s<sup>2</sup>
;VASI:'''V'''isual '''A'''pproach '''S'''lope '''I'''ndicator, the glideslope lighting system ajacent to runways to guide pilots onto the correct angle of glideslope (normally 3 degrees).
#virtual cockpit
#Visual C++, an IDE and C++ compiler by Microsoft.
;Vel:[[velocity]], displayed in [[Orbit MFD]]
#[[very high frequency omnidirectional radio]]
# used in the [[Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD]] to indicate which VOR transmitter is selected by a NAV radio, if it's selected to a VOR transmitter
;VRR: '''V'''elocity '''R'''adial '''R'''ange, used to manually set the range in the Radial Velocity graph in [[Ascent profile MFD]]
;VS:vertical speed
#Used in [[Surface MFD]] to indicate rate of ascent or descent in meters per second
;VSA: [[Virtual Space Agency]]
;VSI: Vertical Speed Indicator, used in [[Surface MFD]], the VS tape reading rate of ascent or descent, in m/s
;VTOL:'''V'''ertical '''T'''ake '''O'''ff and '''L'''anding
;VTR: '''V'''elocity '''T'''angential '''R'''ange, used to manually set the range in the Tangential Velocity Range graph in [[Ascent profile MFD]]
[[#top|Back to top]]
;WBS:'''w'''ork '''b'''reakdown '''s'''tructure
;WPD:'''w'''ork '''p'''ackage '''d'''escription
;Wrp:time acceleration factor, seen in the [[general information display]]
;XPDR:[[transponder]], used in [[Docking MFD]]
;YSC:Yokohama Science Center
;ZM+ and ZM-: zoom,used in [[Map MFD]] to zoom the map display in and out
[[#top|Back to top]]
[[Category: Articles]]

Revision as of 04:49, 22 December 2024

This list contains definitions for Orbiter or important spaceflight acronyms or abbreviations, especially those appearing in MFDs and various HUD modes.

One entry in this list consists of a term with one or more definitions, like:


Don't use links in the term part of a entry, please do so in the definition part, for keeping a consistent look-and-feel and don't putting to much emphasis on a single definition.

Terms without definitions will get moved to the talk page into the section "Wanted definitions". If you have multiple definitions for a term, the definition part should turn into a numbered list, like:

  1. Definition 1
  2. Definition 2
  3. Definition 3
#Definition 1
#Definition 2
#Definition 3

The order of the definitions should be like that:

  1. Orbiter HUD definitions
  2. Orbiter MFD definitions
  3. General Orbiter definitions
  4. Orbiter Add-on definitions
  5. General spaceflight definitions

If you don't agree to a ordering of definitions, please complain in the talk page about the entry.

See also

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Acceleration, used in Surface MFD to indicate increasing or decereasing horizontal speed of the ship in m/s2
Activate, command button in RCS attitude MFD in docking mode to activate the programmed orientation to the target dock
Argument of periapsis:The angle in the orbit from the point of the ascending node to the point of periapsis, displayed in Orbit MFD
ALT or Alt
altitude, distance from the body surface
  1. Used in Orbit MFD when Alt mode is selected to indicate distance from the surface of the body
  2. Used in Surface MFD to indicate altitude in km from the body surface
ascending node:a vector in an orbit where the body passes from south to north of the plane of reference (i.e. ecliptic or equatorial). Shown in Align MFD and Orbit MFD as a dotted vector line connecting to a solid square on the orbit.
Angle of attack, the difference between the ship's direction of travel and the pitch of its nose
  1. Used in Surface MFD to indicate the angle of attack
Autonomous Orbiter Rapid Prototype, a system to allow a shuttle orbiter to land without crew.
Used in Surface MFD, a red rectangle with white "AP" in the altitude tape to indicate the altitude of the ship's apoapsis
apoapsis apoapsis altitude, the lowest altitude of an orbit, displayed in Orbit MFD.
apoapsis apoapsis distance
apoapsis apoapsis radius, displayed in Orbit MFD
time to apoapsis in seconds, displayed in Orbit MFD
  1. Automatic Reference, used in Align MFD, Orbit MFD as a command button for Align to select a reference body automatically based on highest gravity
  2. Altitude Range, used to manually set the range in the altitude graph in Ascent profile MFD
  3. acceptance review
Atmospheric data in Surface MFD readouts
  1. Autonomous Transfer Vehicle, an unmanned cargo spacecraft, see ATV.
  2. Automated Transfer Vehicle[1]
astronomical unit
Axis, command button in RCS attitude MFD to change the selected axis beetween pitch/yaw/roll

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Basemode, command button to select programmed attitude (prograde, orbit normal, perpendicular in, radial down) in RCS attitude MFD
Bate, Mueller, White - authors of Fundamentals of Astrodynamics (1971)
Bearing, used in the Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD to indicate the compass direction of the ILS or VOR transmitter

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Cargo launch vehicle, see Ares V
course deviation indicator
  1. commander
  2. critical design review
Crew expedition vehicle, see CEV
computational fluid dynamics
command button in RCS attitude MFD to switch to configuration page
Crew launch vehicle, see Ares I
Cancel, used in RCS attitude MFD in the docking mode to cancel the docking mode program
Crew Optical Alignment Sight
communication or communicator
Course, indicates the ship's course (heading) in the Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD
crash to desktop
  1. Crew Transfer Vehicle, a manned spacecraft derived from the ATV, see CTV
  2. Compatibility Test Van, NASA
Command button in RCS attitude MFD to set the programmed attitude to the current attitude
  1. closing velocity
  2. Common Vessel Extensions Light, see CVEL

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refers to the advanced graphics client in Orbiter
Deviation, displayed in RCS attitude MFD to indicate how many degrees the ship has to go in Roll to reach programmed attitude
command button in RCS attitude MFD to set the MFD into Docking mode
design, development, test and evaluation
Deviation, in the Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD, it indicates how far the OBS is adjusted left or right of the radial
Orbiter's stock DG
DeltagliderIII, a famous enhanced version of the Delta-glider.
DeltaGliderIV, an improved version of the DeltaGliderIII.
Delta-glider equiped with two scramjets.
  1. Displayed in Sync MFD, distance ship to target
divergent, i.e. yaw gimbal mode.
difference in longitude between ship and target, displayed in Sync MFD
  1. Down, used in Map MFD when Tracking mode is off and map zoomed in to scroll the map down so you can see farther South
  2. Command button in RCS attitude MFD to change the selected modification up so you can edit it
  3. descending node
dynamic pressure, given in Pa
  1. Displayed in Surface MFD to indicate atmospheric pressure
atmospheric density, given in kg m-3, symbol ρ
  1. displayed in Surface MFD
Data Processing System. Term describing the general purpose computers and their interfaces onboard various manned spacecraft
Deviation, displayed in RCS attitude MFD to indicate how many degrees until the ship reaches pitch and yaw alignment with the programmed attitude
Display, used in Map MFD to switch between Ground Track Display and Orbital Plane Display
DST or Dst
  1. Distance (to target), used in the Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD to indicate distance to the selected ILS or VOR transmitter
  2. Distance, used in Orbit MFD to select between Rad, ApR, PeR (distance from body center) and Alt, ApA, PeA (distance from body surface)
time to ejection, as seen on the transfer MFD
time to intercept, as seen on the transfer MFD
time of arrival difference
  1. Displayed in Sync MFD to indicate difference in time between ship and target passing the intersection point
delta velocity, as seen on the transfer MFD, see also Delta-V

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eccentricity of orbit, displayed in Orbit MFD
plane of the ecliptic
Environmental control and life support system
european cooperation for space standardization
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
ELements, custom Select, used in Align MFD to select a custom orbital elements to which to align
command button in RCS attitude MFD to stop the programmed attitude mode
plane of the equator
Equatorial position, given as longitude and latitude
  1. Displayed in Surface MFD given as position and rate of change
European Space Agency
Exploration Systems Architecture Study
external tank
Extra vehicular activity, see EVA

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Russian abbreviation for Functional Cargo Block. See FGB
field of view, as seen in the general information display
frame rate (frames per second), as seen in the general information display
Flight Readiness Firing, a launch countdown test of the Shuttle running all except SRB ignition and lift-off.
Frame of reference, used in Orbit MFD to change the orbital display and parameters between Equatorial or Ecliptic

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G or g
  1. used in Orbit MFD, indicates what fraction of gravity is exerted on the ship by the reference body (0 to 1)
  2. unit of acceleration. 1g equals the gravity acceleration on earths surface, 9.81 m/s²
Ground Elapsed Time [2]
Used often as vehicle name prefix for a Delta-glider
Gravity-induced Loss of Consciousness
Greenwich Mean Time.See Universal Time on Wikipedia
Go, command button in RCS attitude MFD, once the desired orientation and modifications are set, to activate the program
Generic Payload Description System
Global Positioning System
Ground speed
  1. Command button in Surface MFD to set the speed tape to GS
geostationary transfer orbit

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Heading Alignment Cone
heavy lift launch vehicle
horizontal situation indicator
Hubble Space Telescope
hypothetical transfer orbit, as seen on the transfer MFD
heads up display, used in Docking MFD, Orbit MFD, Surface MFD to copy the current parameters to the HUD

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indicated air speed Indicated airspeed
  1. Command button in Surface MFD to set the speed tape to IAS
instrument docking system, used in Docking MFD
  1. instrument landing system
  2. also used in Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD to indicate which runway at which Spaceport is selected by the NAV system
  3. International launch services, a US-russian joint venture marketing Atlas and Proton launches
Inclination, angular difference between one orbit with respect to another, usually the ecliptic, equatorial, body orbit, or target orbit, displayed in Align MFD, Orbit MFD
Inverse, command button in RCS attitude MFD to change the programmed attitude to the inverse (retrograde, orbit antinormal, perpendicular out, radial up)
specific impulse
International Space Station

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Julian date
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
James Webb Space Telescope

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"Keep it simple, stupid!" Famous engineering dogma.[3]
Kennedy Space Center

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  1. Longitude of the ascending node, used in Align MFD, Orbit MFD
  2. local-area network
  1. launch control center
  2. life cycle cost
Long Duration Exposure Facility
List Length
  1. Command button in Sync MFD to select number of orbits to display (lines 0-18)
Low earth orbit
Liquid Hydrogen
Loss of crew and vehicle
Liquid Oxygen
longitude of periapsis, displayed in Orbit MFD
Left/Right, used in Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD to switch MFD mode focus to the left or right graphic display

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  1. Mega (SI prefix for 106).
  2. Mass, given in kg
  3. mach number or multiples of speed of sound in a given medium
    1. Used in Surface MFD ship's speed is given in mach number as well as m/s
  1. mid course correction
  2. mission control center
mission control center Houston
mission control center Moscow
mission definition review
main engine cutoff
Mission Elapsed Time. See Mission Elapsed Time on Wikipedia.
Multifunctional Display, see MFD
MegaHerz, same as the old term megacycles/second, radio and transponder frequency, used in COMNAV MFD
modified Julian date
Mobile Launcher Platform
Micrometeorites and orbital debris
manned maneuvering unit, see MMU
mean anomaly, displayed in Orbit MFD
mean longitude, displayed in Orbit MFD
used in Orbit MFD and Sync MFD to cycle the display between parameters only, orbital display only, or both
meters per second, the SI base unit of velocity
Mission Specialist x

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  1. Navigatonal receiver,
    1. in COMNAV MFD it is used to identify up to four receivers in the stack
    2. in Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD, it is used to select which receiver an HSI display is tuned to
    3. in RCS attitude MFD command button in Docking mode to slave one of the Nav receivers to this MFD
  2. navigation
  3. navigation aid
No target, used in Orbit MFD to deselect the target

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outside air temperature, displayed in Surface MFD given in Kelvins (K)
  1. Obliquity of ecliptic (tilt of axis of rotation against plane of ecliptic)
  2. Orbit, displayed in Sync MFD indicates how many orbits remaining until rendezvous
OB+ and OB-
OmniBearing, used to change the offset of the course arrow to left or right of the beam
omni bearing selector
orbit, as seen on the orbit MFD
Orbiter Midbody Umbilical Unit
Orbiter Multiplayer Project, an ongoing program to create a multiplayer server in Orbiter.
Orbital Maneuvering System, the 'main engines' of the space shuttle orbiter
Orbital speed
  1. Command button in Surface MFD to set the speed tape to OS

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position (sometimes radius) vector, as seen on the align orbital plane MFD
atmospheric pressure at sea level
Payload Assist Module, a family of solid upper stages for the Space Shuttle
Precision Approach Path Indicators, lit runway centerline.
Shuttle PB
preliminary design review
Payload Deployment and Retrieval System, the official name of the robot arm of the Space Shuttle
periapsis altitude. Altitude of periapsis above the surface of the orbited body, used in Orbit MFD
periapsis distance. See PeR.
periapsis radius. Distance of periapsis from the center of the orbited body, used in Orbit MFD
time to periapsis in seconds, displayed in Orbit MFD
  1. Page, switching displayed pages in an MFD mode, used in Align MFD and Ascent profile MFD
  2. prograde
Principal moments of inertia, see PMI
Projection, used in the Orbit MFD to switch orbital display between Ecliptic, Equatorial, Ship's orbit, Target orbit
preliminary requirements review
Payload Specialist x

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qualification review

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  1. mean radius
  2. specific gas constant
+R and -R
  1. Command buttons in RCS attitude MFD (R+) to add a line (pitch, yaw, roll) to the programmed attitude, or R- to remove the last line
  2. Command buttons in Sync MFD to rotate intersection points
atmospheric density at sea level
  1. Displayed in Orbit MFD when Radius mode is selected to indicate distance from the center of the body in meters
  2. radial distance
  3. angular unit radians
true anomaly of reference axis, displayed in synchronise orbit MFD
How fast the current orbital plane is changing, degrees per second, used in Align MFD
reaction control system, spacebourne orientation rocket system.
research and development
research, development, testing and evaluation
  1. used in Align MFD, Map MFD, Orbit MFD to select a reference body.
  2. Ref: Reference displayed in Sync MFD to switch Reference axis
relative inclination, relative inclination between the ship and target orbits, used in Align MFD and Sync MFD
Russian Space Agency
Remote Manipulator System
Russian-side, used as prefix for orientation when describing ISS components.
Redundant set launch sequencer, the computer systems responsible for the ignition of the SSMEs in the Space Shuttle orbiter.
Read the fine (or many other f-words) manual, a typical forum answer for questions already answered extensivly in the manual.
Return to launch site, a Space Shuttle abort mode.
Return, command button in RCS attitude MFD to return the display to the Active mode page
relative velocity
  1. Displayed in Sync MFD, Relative speed between ship and target

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  1. Search and rescue.
  2. Syntetic aperture radar, a radar mode used for creating navigation maps or detect slowly moving ground vehicles.
SC< and SC>
SCan frequency up or down in the currently selected receiver, used in COMNAV MFD
Software Development Kit [4]
Shuttle Derived Heavy Launch Vehicle, see Ares V
Shuttle Derived Launch Vehicle, see Ares
  1. Secondary Engine Cutoff
  2. Sustainer Engine Cutoff
Set, used in RCS attitude MFD to set the desired attitude
Ship, used in Map MFD to indicate your ship's name, position, altitude, course of your ship
  1. simulation time (in seconds), as seen in the general information display
  2. a common abbreviation for "simulator"
ship time-on-reference, as seen on the synchronise orbit MFD
SI unit
The metric system of measurement, the modern name, see SI unit
SL+ and SL-
Select, change which receiver to next or previous receiver to adjust frequency, used in COMNAV MFD
shuttle landing facility, see Cape Canaveral
semi-major axis, used in Orbit MFD
semi-minor axis, used in Orbit MFD
Solid Rocket Booster [5]
Shuttle radar topography mission, see SRTM.
Space Shuttle Main Engines [6]
Single Stage to Orbit
Short take-off, vertical landing. As performed by the DG on full fuel employing hover thrusters during takeoff.
static pressure, given in Pa
  1. Displayed in Surface MFD to indicate atmospheric pressure
space transportation system, AKA space shuttle, see space transportation system
command button in RCS attitude MFD to suspend programmed attitude temporarily

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orbit period, measured in seconds, displayed in Orbit MFD
Terminal Area Energy Management
true air speed True airspeed
  1. Command button in Surface MFD to set the speed tape to TAS
Trans Earth Injection[7]
  1. command button used in Align MFD, Docking MFD, Map MFD, Orbit MFD, and Sync MFD to select a target
  2. used in the Map MFD display to indicate target name, position, altitude of the target
target time-on-reference, as seen on the synchronise orbit MFD
russian spacecraft for the Almaz program, see TKS
Three letter acronym for a three letter acronym.
two-line elements
eject longitude, as seen on the transfer MFD
intercept longitude, as seen on the transfer MFD
Trans Lunar Injection
Time to node, used in Align MFD
tangential offset docking MFD
time on reference axis, displayed in Sync MFD to indicate number of seconds until ship or target passes the intersection point
true anomaly, displayed in Orbit MFD
Track, used in map MFD to keep the ship centered in the map display
true longitude, displayed in Orbit MFD
technology readiness level
length of siderial day
Estimated thrust time at the ascending node to align planes, used in Align MFD
Estimated thrust time at the descending node to align planes, used in Align MFD
tangential velocity

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Universal manned maneuvering unit, popular add-on, see Universal MMU.
unknown problems, you are aware of.
unknown problems, you are not aware of.
  1. UP, used in Map MFD when Track mode is off and map is zoomed in to scroll the map up to see farther North
  2. Command button in RCS attitude MFD to change the selected modification up so you can edit it
universal time, GMT. Not to be confused with UTC (Universial Time Co-ordinated). The latter is based on atomic clocks not astronomy, hence the occasional leap-second to correct UTC to GMT.

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+V and -V
Used in RCS attitude MFD to add or subtract one degree each click the programmed attitude mode
Vertical acceleration, used in Surface MFD how fast rate of ascent or descent is increasing or decreasing in m/s2
Visual Approach Slope Indicator, the glideslope lighting system ajacent to runways to guide pilots onto the correct angle of glideslope (normally 3 degrees).
  1. virtual cockpit
  2. Visual C++, an IDE and C++ compiler by Microsoft.
velocity, displayed in Orbit MFD
  1. very high frequency omnidirectional radio
  2. used in the Horizontal Situation Indicator MFD to indicate which VOR transmitter is selected by a NAV radio, if it's selected to a VOR transmitter
Velocity Radial Range, used to manually set the range in the Radial Velocity graph in Ascent profile MFD
vertical speed
  1. Used in Surface MFD to indicate rate of ascent or descent in meters per second
Virtual Space Agency
Vertical Speed Indicator, used in Surface MFD, the VS tape reading rate of ascent or descent, in m/s
Vertical Take Off and Landing
Velocity Tangential Range, used to manually set the range in the Tangential Velocity Range graph in Ascent profile MFD

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work breakdown structure
work package description
time acceleration factor, seen in the general information display


transponder, used in Docking MFD


Yokohama Science Center


ZM+ and ZM-
zoom,used in Map MFD to zoom the map display in and out

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